日本通訳翻訳学会 JAITS

The Japan Association for Interpreting and Translation Studies




日本通訳翻訳学会 The Japan Association for Interpretation and Translation Studies は、「通訳と翻訳の理論と実践および教育に関する科学的・多面的研究を促進することとともに、この分野の社会的理解の増進に寄与することと」を目的とした学会です。
Nihon Tsuuyaku Honyaku Gakkai (The Japan Association for Interpretation and Translation Studies) is an academic association devoted to promoting scientific and multifaceted research on interpreting/translation theory and education, and to contributing to better social recognition of this area.
The Association was formally established on September 23, 2000. It is the successor of the Interpretation Research Association of Japan (IRAJ), more or less a private forum of discussion, which was launched on November 18, 1990. IRAJ maintained about 80 to 100 members, held 75 study meetings and published 17 separate issues of the journal "Interpreting Research" in the course of 10 years.
Based on these activities and achievements, IRAJ reorganized itself into Nihon Tsuuyaku Gakkai (aka, JAIS), the first official academic association devoted to interpreting research in Japan, and in 2002, JAIS became a registered member of the Science Council of Japan. 
In September, 2008, the name of the association was changed to Nihon Tsuuyaku Honyaku Gakkai (The Japan Association for Interpretation and Translation Studies). 
As of January 30, 2012, membership totals over 350.